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Tarot horoscope: Success for Taurus, clean slate for Libra on July 14

Tarot horoscope: Success for Taurus, clean slate for Libra on July 14 What the Tarot horoscope promises for Sunday (illustration:

On Sunday, July 14, representatives of some zodiac signs have a chance to have a highly successful day. However, a thundercloud looms over Leos, urging them to be more cautious.

Your Tango tells what the Tarot cards promise for each zodiac sign.


You drew the Death card. This means you may realize on Sunday that you can't hide in someone else's shadow. It's time to take action; let go of old patterns and fears.


You drew the High Priestess card. Today, you can do something special. Dare to undertake grand actions; success awaits you.


Your card for July 14 is Hermit. Take a break and allow yourself to rest. Don't overload yourself with too much work; learn to delegate tasks.


You drew the Moon card. Be cautious; don't trust some people blindly. Listen to your intuition. Someone may try to deceive you.


You drew the Sun card. There's a threat looming over you. Someone may be overly eager to gain your trust. Learn to recognize deceivers; they often seem overly friendly.


Your card for Sunday is Lovers. If your partner is dissatisfied with something, try to resolve it. Sometimes it's worth finding a solution to a problem rather than causing scandals.


You drew the Hierophant card. Allow the wave of change to wash over you completely. Gifts from fate await you; start anew.


Your card for July 14 is Emperor. Don't try to handle everything alone. Today, you may find a reliable and strong ally whom you can trust.


You drew the Fool card. Acknowledge that you have often procrastinated. Now is the time to act. You are capable of much, and the Universe will assist you.


Your card for Sunday is Empress. Be kinder to the world around you. Avoid demanding too much from friends and loved ones to prevent conflicts.


Your card for Sunday is Star. You have no reason to be sad, but something may still worry you. Try to detach yourself from negativity; it doesn't concern you.


You drew the Wheel of Fortune card. Everyone can make mistakes; there's nothing to fear. And if you know where the possible pitfalls are, lay down some "straw."

Additionally, it has recently become known which zodiac signs will be lucky starting Monday.