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Türkiye says Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky corvette will be sent to Ukraine in first quarter of 2027

Türkiye says Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky corvette will be sent to Ukraine in first quarter of 2027 Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky corvette (
Author: Maria Kholina

In Istanbul, Türkiye, a ceremony was held on August 1 to launch the military ship Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky into the water. Ankara will transfer the corvette to Kyiv in the first quarter of 2027, according to the general director of the Turkish shipbuilding company STM, Özgür Gülerüz.

According to Gülerüz, Ukraine and Türkiye began the project in 2020 following negotiations between delegations. Later, the countries signed an agreement in the field of defense industry development.

Construction of the Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky began in 2022. Its first sea trial is scheduled for 2026, and the corvette will be transferred to Ukraine in the first quarter of 2027.

"We honor the memory of Ukrainian soldiers and people who died in the fight for Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty. I would like to express that we always stand by Ukraine, which is going through a difficult period as a country, and that we will continue our efforts to bolster the Ukrainian fleet," Gülerüz added.

Agreement between Türkiye and Ukraine

In 2020, Ukraine ordered 1+3 Ada-class corvettes from Türkiye. Hetman Ivan Mazepa, which was built in Türkiye, was launched in October 2022. By the end of that year, construction of the Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky began.

Initially, the ships were planned to be outfitted at the Okean shipyard in Ukraine, but plans changed after the full-scale Russian invasion.

In March 2024, the Ukrainian Navy announced the preparation of a Ukrainian crew for service on the Mazepa. The first corvette also began its initial sea trials in May.