Türkiye developed candidate for first long-range 'smart' underwater mine
In Türkiye, a guided "smart" air-launched underwater mine (UCA) has been developed. It is designed to surprise enemies on the battlefield, according to Yeni Şafak.
According to the information, the UCA mine will be presented at the International Defense Industry Fair (IDEF), one of the world's largest defense events. The fair will take place in Istanbul from Tuesday to Friday.
The UCA project is a joint effort of the Türkiye's company, the Machine and Chemical Industry Corporation (MKEK), KOC Defense, and the Technological Research Council of Türkiye's (TUBITAK) Defense Industries Research and Development Institute (SAGE). The project aims to transform the general-purpose MK-84 bombs into offensive sea mines.
This transformation is achieved through the integration of a winged guidance kit (KGK) called Gokce and an intelligent target detection and mine launching device.
With its aerodynamic characteristics and capabilities, the UCA allows aircraft and UAVs to perform remote offensive mine-laying operations at the exits of enemy naval bases and on transit routes without risking their own safety.
The UCA is a candidate for the world's first long-range "smart" underwater mine.
The underwater mine will be able to be used on F-16 aircraft
The underwater mine can be used on aircraft such as the F-16. It will be carried by Türkiye's air platforms capable of launching MK-84 GP bombs, including F-16, F-4, and combat drones Akinci and Aksungur.
The UCA will be released from high altitudes and high speeds, beyond the reach of low- and medium-altitude air defense systems, and will glide to the designated mine deployment point.
The development and production of weaponry in Türkiye
In April, the President of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, showcased the new Türkiye's tank Altay and announced its serial production.
Later, it was reported that at the end of April, Türkiye would hand over the first Altay tank for testing to its military. After that, the mass production of the tank is expected to commence.