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Swimming or running: Which is better for losing weight

Swimming or running: Which is better for losing weight Which is better for losing weight (collage by RBC-Ukraine)

Running and swimming are the best ways to burn calories. Running gets your heart rate up, while swimming engages your whole body. These intense exercises result in a significant calorie expenditure, which is key to weight loss.

Running and losing weight

When you run, your heart speeds up and your muscles become more active, burning fat. It's a dynamic exercise that speeds up your metabolism during your workout and keeps it high, maximizing your calorie burn throughout the day.

Swimming, on the other hand, trains the whole body without putting stress on the joints, which makes it soothing.

Running improves cardiovascular health, strengthens bones, and boosts mood - ideal for those looking to lose weight and improve overall health.

It relieves stress and improves mood, providing mental clarity and a sense of accomplishment after each run. At the same time, swimming is relaxed and makes it a favorite among those recovering from injuries.

Running primarily focuses on lower body strength and endurance while swimming forces the body to move efficiently in the water, building muscles from head to toe. It's a full-body workout that burns calories and improves muscle tone and definition.

As for the risk of injury, the repetitive stress of running can strain joints and muscles. However, it also provides an opportunity to strengthen bones and connective tissue, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and other bone-related problems.

Benefits of swimming

Swimming, on the other hand, minimizes stress on the joints, making it an attractive choice for long-term fitness without the wear and tear associated with physical activity.

When swimming, deep breaths and exhalations stretch the diaphragm and increase lung capacity. It is very beneficial for asthmatics to swim, but you need to be careful with chlorinated water - inhaling the vapor can negatively affect your health, so you should consult a doctor.

Since swimming is one of the safest sports that has a positive effect on the entire body, it is suitable for people of all ages, including children.

To achieve quick results, it is recommended to swim intensively in the breaststroke or crawl for at least 45-50 minutes.

Whether you choose a rhythmic stride when running or smooth strokes when swimming, maximizing your weight loss potential involves more than just exercising. It's about consistency, enjoyment, and effectiveness.

Earlier, we reported on 7 exercises to help test your fitness level.
We also wrote about why your side hurts while running and how to prevent it.

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