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Sunflower seeds during weight loss: Coach's comment

Sunflower seeds during weight loss: Coach's comment Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Many love sunflower seeds, but are they good for your health and can you consume them while trying to lose weight?

All these questions have been addressed by coach and nutritionist Viktor Mandziak.

Viktor explains that people usually snack on sunflower seeds not to satisfy hunger, but out of habit—perhaps while watching TV or simply out of boredom. This behavior often leads to overeating and hinders weight loss because these seeds are high in calories.

Another factor is that when consuming seeds, you’re typically distracted, which can result in eating much more without paying attention to how much you’re actually consuming.

"When distracted, the brain doesn’t register how much food has been ingested, which is important for feeling full. Seeds can sneak past the 'hole in your face' unnoticed while you’re watching engaging stories from your favorite blogger. And along with the seeds, the calories sneak in too," said the coach.

Sunflower seeds are very caloric

Keep in mind that nuts and seeds are high in calories. They contain around 600 calories per 100 grams, which is 18 times more than strawberries.

However, the calories in seeds and nuts are enclosed within cells that are tightly wrapped in fiber.

When we consume seeds, many of those cells remain intact. Of course, enzymes partially penetrate the cell walls, breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, but a significant number of calories pass through our stomachs without being absorbed.

Viktor said that one study showed that 25% of the calories from raw almonds are not absorbed.

But if even 500 calories from seeds are absorbed, that’s quite a lot. For instance, to burn those calories, you’d need to engage in two hours of strength training.

"Sunflower seeds, like any seeds, are nutritious because they contain unsaturated fats, fiber, protein, and various vitamins. However, cracking seeds out of boredom or while drinking beer is a different story that has little to do with health," concluded Viktor Mandziak.