Strike on Okhmatdyt hospital: Missile possibly manufactured days before attack

Russia could have manufactured the Kh-101 cruise missile that struck Okhmatdyt children's hospital a few weeks or days before the attack, according to Conflict Armament Research (CAR).
After analyzing the wreckage of the Kh-101 missile, CAR experts found that it was manufactured a maximum of three months before the attack. It is also possible that it was assembled eight days before the attack.
The researchers found parts of a 13-digit production number (31526379XXXXX) on the missile's tail. They hid the last five digits because it would have fully identified the missile.
The first six digits (315263) are the same for all Kh-101 missile production numbers, the organization noted. At the same time, according to SAR, the next digits "7" and "9" indicate that the missile was manufactured in the second quarter of 2024 (between April 1 and June 30).
Given that the Russian army attacked Okhmatdyt on July 8, the researchers concluded that the missile could have been manufactured either a few weeks or a few days before the attack.
What preceded it
On July 8, the Russian forces hit the Okhmatdyt children's hospital in Kyiv with a missile. There were more than 600 patients there.
The attack resulted in several deaths and a large number of injuries. Against this background, Ukraine convened an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council.