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Strike on Moskva cruiser was not first: Details from Navy Chief

Strike on Moskva cruiser was not first: Details from Navy Chief The Moskva cruiser after being hit by a missile (photo:

The attack that sank the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the cruiser Moskva, was not the first. Ukraine's first attempt was not very successful, says the Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Oleksii Neizhpapa.

"This was not the first launch of Neptunes at ships. Our first one was not very successful. We hit one of the frigates. While repelling our missile attack, the Russian ship destroyed its own plane, which was flying as a cover, but left. It didn't realize that we had something, as I understand it," said the Navy Commander.

According to Oleksii Neizhpapa, in February-March 2022, Russia planned to encircle Odesa and then land a naval assault.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that the Russians reported alleged strikes on Ukrainian aircraft at the airfield in Kryvyi Rih and Patriot air defense systems near Yuzhne. The enemy even published a drone video, but as it turned out, the Russian "achievements" were attacks on mock-ups.