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Strawberries taste so good with chocolate: Chemist explains why

Strawberries taste so good with chocolate: Chemist explains why Why strawberries taste so good with chocolate (Screenshot)

Summer has arrived, and with it comes the time for the sweetest strawberries, which are delicious when combined with chocolate. Why do our receptors "explode" with this combination?

Ukrainian chemist Glib Repich answers this question.

Why strawberries taste good with chocolate

Glib explained that the strawberry flavor is given by two molecules, furaneol and methyl furaneol, which are very volatile.

“We can quickly smell the strawberry flavor, but it fades just as quickly,” the chemist said.

Chocolate, in turn, contains cocoa butter, i.e. fat, and when chocolate touches strawberries, the fat dissolves the molecules of its flavor, enhancing and multiplying the aroma of the berry.

“And chocolate also contains sugar, which contrasts nicely with the sourness of strawberries and the most important substance - phenylethylamine,” the expert summarized.

Also read: the 5 healthiest fruits that everyone should eat.