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5 most healthiest fruits that everyone should eat

5 most healthiest fruits that everyone should eat Photo: Which fruits have the most benefits (Getty Images)

Research shows that people who regularly eat fruits have a lower risk of certain diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. However, fruits that contain a low level of sugar are beneficial.

Eat This, Not That will tell you about the 5 healthiest fruits.

Which fruits are the healthiest


Grapefruit is a subtropical citrus fruit rich in nutrients. According to research published in Advances in Nutrition, grapefruit is a potent source of naringin, a polyphenol associated with lowering blood pressure and insulin resistance (the primary cause of type 2 diabetes).

Additionally, half a serving of grapefruit contains 13% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for health as it supports healthy vision and immune function, aids in collagen formation, and promotes bone strength. Regular consumption of grapefruit provides an adequate amount of vitamin A.


Blackberries are rich in anthocyanins, polyphenols responsible for their red, blue, and purple hues. Research indicates that the anthocyanins in berries positively affect pathways regulating blood glucose levels.

A randomized controlled trial in 2018 observed increased fat oxidation and improved glucose control among overweight or obese men following a high-fat diet supplemented with 600 grams (4 cups) of blackberries daily for one week.

Specifically, men receiving blackberries showed greater insulin sensitivity, which is an important factor in preventing type 2 diabetes.


In addition to their low sugar content, the nutrients in strawberries are associated with improving cardiovascular risk factors.

Polyphenols, fiber, vitamins, and minerals contribute to the heart-healthy benefits of strawberries.

Research presented in the British Journal of Nutrition shows that strawberries reduce the levels of C-reactive protein (an inflammatory marker) and lower levels of low-density lipoproteins and overall cholesterol in individuals with elevated cholesterol levels.

Another meta-analysis from 2019 demonstrates that consuming 10-454 grams of strawberries (equivalent to about one medium strawberry to 2 3/4 cups of strawberries) reduces cardiovascular risk factors.


In addition to its low sugar content, kiwi contains many other beneficial nutrients. Research confirms that kiwi helps alleviate constipation due to its content of soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble and insoluble fibers soften stool and increase its bulk, facilitating its passage. A study from 2010 showed that consuming two kiwis daily for four weeks increases the frequency of bowel movements in healthy adults and individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with predominant constipation.


Guava contains a significant amount of vitamin C - four times more than oranges. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant often used to alleviate cold symptoms.

A meta-analysis in 2023 published in BMC Public Health showed that daily consumption of 1 gram of vitamin C reduces the duration of severe cold symptoms. One small guava contains 125 mg of vitamin C, so you would need to eat eight guavas to reach the recommended amount.

With its high antioxidant content and vitamins, guava may reduce cold symptoms and their duration.

Read also how much sugar you can eat per day.

Previously, we wrote about how to eat to slow down aging.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.