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Stoltenberg about Ukrainian counteroffensive: 'Ukrainians have exceeded expectations again'

Stoltenberg about Ukrainian counteroffensive: 'Ukrainians have exceeded expectations again' Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary-General (photo: Getty Images)

Ukrainian military forces have successfully pushed back Russian occupiers during their counteroffensive operations, gradually displacing the enemy from their positions and demonstrating the capability to break through certain fortified lines of intervention, states NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, according to CNN.

The Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Alliance, in an interview, provided a positive assessment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' counteroffensive, emphasizing the importance of support for Ukraine by partner and ally nations.

"Ukrainians are gradually gaining ground, meaning they are pushing back Russians and they are able to get through some of these heavily defended territories, at least minefields," he noted.

Stoltenberg also highlighted the intense battles on the fronts, stating that Ukrainians, on their challenging path to victory, "are making achievements and gaining ground."

Counteroffensive by Ukrainian Armed Forces

Ukrainian military forces have intensified their offensive actions in the south and southeast of the country this summer. Active combat continues in the Melitopol and Berdyansk directions.

Against the backdrop of significant attention to this topic, some Western politicians and media have already labeled the Ukrainian Armed Forces' counteroffensive as "slow" or not meeting expectations.

It should be noted that Ukrainian military and political leadership has repeatedly responded to such accusations. Recently, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, General, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, addressed similar claims regarding the "delay" in the counteroffensive. He stated that he finds such comments annoying because this is not a show, but every meter is gained with blood.

Recently, Ukrainian troops liberated the city Robotyne in the Melitopol direction. Deputy Minister of Defense, Hanna Maliar noted that the Ukrainian forces are now advancing further southeast of Robotine and south of Mala Tokmachka.

For more information on the tactical significance of Robotyne and how the counteroffensive may develop further, read the article by RBC-Ukraine.