Spring equinox - Astrologer announces rules of this special holiday

On March 20, 2025, at 11:02 am Kyiv time, the astronomical spring begins in the Northern Hemisphere. This is the day of the vernal equinox, one of the holidays of the Wheel of the Year, which has long been credited with magical qualities, says Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Solovyova.
At this point, the daylight is directly above the equator, so that the length of daylight hours and night are almost the same. And after that moment, there is more and more light in the day.
"This is the beginning of all beginnings when the foundation for the next cycle is laid and the mystery of creation and the end of this world is played out. Everything in the world is subject to a spiraling cycle, with repetition at a new level: what once died is resurrected in a new quality," the astrologer noted.
In ancient times, many cultures celebrated the New Year during this period. This tradition still exists in some countries. For example, Zoroastrians celebrated Nowruz, a holiday of liberation from death and suffering associated with the restoration of lost harmony.
"One of the symbols of this event was fire, the element that once pulled man out of the darkness of animal existence, warmed him, fed him, and protected him from predators. In ancient Iran, Nowruz was also the day of the coronation of kings," emphasized Kateryna Solovyova.
Astrologically, the New Year - Nowruz - comes under the sign of Aries.
"Aries is the primary, initial fire, ruled by Mars, the planet of warriors, will, struggle, and competition, and exalted in the first sign of the zodiac by the Sun, which is responsible for the integrity of the human personality, his or her physical condition, individuality, and consciousness," she said.
People were preparing for this day in advance: putting their affairs and relationships in order, cleaning their homes, getting rid of all unnecessary things, preparing gifts for relatives, friends and loved ones.
On the Equinox, you need to be in an emotionally positive mood, avoid physical and psychological overload. It is believed that during this period, there is a powerful charge of positive energies and increased power of thought, which helps in the realization of desires. Therefore, you can effectively plan your activities for at least a quarter, as this period is used to create a program for the next three months - until the summer solstice.
Since Venus and Mercury are now retrograde, it is better to formulate your plans in relation to the events and situations that have already occurred in your life, rather than initiate something fundamentally new.
"Every year, a person who hasn't changed their place of residence has a chance to correct situations in the same areas of their individual radix that are involved in the equinox every year. Every year they are the same and are significant for a person. That's why every year at this time we have the opportunity to adjust our activities for them," said Kateryna Solovyova.
"Their aspectation is very important - harmonious or tense. If the objects of the horoscope and the transiting Sun are connected by positive ties, then in these areas they control, we can expect positive trends, development and good results in the next three months. If the connections are complicated, it does not mean that events can only be unfavorable: tense aspects add energy to the realization of plans," the astrologer emphasized.
Solovyova also noted that the day of the vernal equinox in 2025 falls within the eclipse corridor, so the events that will take place on this day can have karmic and even fateful significance for a person.