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'Spooky tale' and nothing more: Ukraine reacts to Putin's nuclear threats

'Spooky tale' and nothing more: Ukraine reacts to Putin's nuclear threats Photo: Russian President Vladimir Putin (Getty Images)

Russian President Vladimir Putin is using nuclear blackmail because he has no other means of intimidation. This is simply his "spooky tale," according to the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) Andrii Kovalеnko, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andrii Yermak, and statements made by the advisor to the head of the President's Office Mykhailo Podolyak.

"Clearly, Russia does not understand how to stop what will continue in this war. And what will continue is evident not only from the example of the Kursk operation but also from the long-range strikes by Ukrainian products on Russia. They significantly affect the social mood in Russia," emphasized Podolyak.

He noted that Russia can no longer put anything on the hypothetical table of conflict except what is already there.

"And what it holds there is practically everything it had. Traditional propaganda and traditional threats are not working... Undoubtedly, Russia is trying to use its last argument today, the argument of fearful people, that they have nuclear weapons," he stressed.

At the same time, Kovalеnко emphasized that Putin's nuclear blackmail is a fear of Ukrainian weapons, which deprives Russia of strategic stockpiles of weapons and harms Putin's ability to continue terror.

"This is a spooky tale born of fear. Nothing more," he noted.

Yermak also pointed out that apart from nuclear blackmail, Russia has nothing else.

"No other tools for intimidating the world. These tools will not work," he said.

Putin's nuclear blackmail

Recently, during his morning address, Putin once again resorted to nuclear blackmail, claiming that Russia's nuclear weapons are supposedly better than those of NATO.

Even the Pope reacted to this statement, calling Putin's threats "madness."