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Special prosecutor appointed in Biden's son's case in U.S: NYT

Special prosecutor appointed in Biden's son's case in U.S: NYT Son of the American President Hunter Biden (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland elevated the status of the prosecutor investigating the case of President Biden's son Hunter to that of a special prosecutor, according to the New York Times.

According to the NYT, the elevation of the prosecutor's status signals that the investigation has entered a new phase and raises the possibility that the 2024 presidential elections will be overshadowed by numerous investigations.

Garland appointed David C. Weiss, the US Attorney for Delaware who has been involved in this case for years, as the special prosecutor. This move comes six months after Garland appointed Robert K. Hur as a special counsel investigating whether President Biden mishandled classified documents.

Garland stated that he decided to elevate Weiss after the prosecutor informed him that the investigation had "reached the stage" where the powers of a special counsel were necessary to continue.

As a special prosecutor, Weiss will have the authority to investigate all matters related to Biden and can bring charges in any jurisdiction. This means that Weiss will not be subject to day-to-day oversight by any department official.

"The appointment of Mr. Weiss reinforces for the American people the department’s commitment to both independence and accountability in particularly sensitive matters. I am confident that Mr. Weiss will carry out his responsibility in an evenhanded and urgent manner and in accordance with the highest traditions of this department," Garland said.

Biden case

We previously reported that President Biden's son, Hunter Biden, pleaded guilty to two counts of tax violations and reached an agreement with the federal prosecutor's office on charges of committing a criminal offense involving firearms.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden stated that his son Hunter, who was suspected of tax-related violations, had not been engaged in any illegal activities.