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Slovakian PM Fico, who recently survived assassination attempt, receives envelope with bullet

Slovakian PM Fico, who recently survived assassination attempt, receives envelope with bullet Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Today, on September 25, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico received a letter containing a bullet. This comes shortly after the politician survived an assassination attempt, citing the local

"We can confirm that a letter containing a bullet, addressed to the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, was delivered today to the government office," the government office said in a statement to

The letter was inspected by officers from the Office for the Protection of Constitutional Officials and Diplomatic Representatives. During an X-ray scan, the bullet was detected.

"This matter is being handled by police from the relevant department, which is subordinate to the Bratislava Regional Police Directorate," said Michal Seiff, a spokesperson for the Bratislava Regional Police.

Attempt on Fico’s life

On May 16, the Slovak government held an off-site meeting. After it concluded, Fico addressed the public, but at that moment, an unknown person fired several shots at him, resulting in serious injuries.

Following his hospitalization, the prime minister underwent immediate surgery. However, his condition remained critical for some time. The prognosis for his recovery was grim. Nevertheless, on May 31, he was discharged from the hospital in Banská Bystrica and returned to Bratislava for rehabilitation.

The assailant, who fired the shots, was apprehended at the scene. It was later revealed that the attacker was a 71-year-old writer.