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Slovakia stops accepting trucks at one of its checkpoints: Reason explained

Slovakia stops accepting trucks at one of its checkpoints: Reason explained Slovakia stops accepting trucks at one of its checkpoints (photo: Getty Images)

The Slovak side stopped accepting trucks for customs clearance at the Vysne Nemecke checkpoint. The reason was a broken scanner, reports the State Customs Service of Ukraine.

According to the service, a scanner at the Slovak checkpoint Vysne Nemecke broke down, and the Slovak side stopped accepting trucks for customs clearance.

Consequently, on the Ukrainian side of the border, at the Uzhhorod Automobile customs post, the clearance of large vehicles is also temporarily suspended.

It should be noted that in accordance with the current customs clearance technology of Slovakia, all vehicles entering their territory with cargo are subject to mandatory scanning on their side.

When the checkpoint resumes its work

"It is currently unknown when the repair of the stationary system will be completed, so we ask carriers to take this situation into account and use other checkpoints to cross the border if possible," the customs service explained.