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Slovakia's President explains her position on not providing aid to Ukraine

Slovakia's President explains her position on not providing aid to Ukraine President of Slovakia Zuzana Čaputová (photo: Getty Images)

Slovakia will not provide military assistance to Ukraine following the victory of the anti-Ukrainian party Smer in the elections, according to Slovak President Zuzana Čaputová.

She mentioned that the authority to make decisions regarding the provision of military assistance does not fall within the president's mandate.

At the same time, the acting Prime Minister Ľudovít Odor consulted with Čaputová regarding his government's position, stating that they would no longer make decisions to provide military assistance. The president indicated that she agreed with his reasoning.

Furthermore, according to Čaputová, another factor was the content of the military assistance package.

"It was not just about ammunition... If it were only ammunition, it would be a completely different question, an entirely different topic of discussion," she said, adding that it concerned different, more powerful equipment.

What proceeded this

On the elections in Slovakia, the anti-Ukrainian party Smer-SD, led by former Prime Minister Robert Fico, received the most votes.

Following this, the temporary government of Slovakia announced the suspension of military aid to Ukraine.

Furthermore, Čaputová also opposed providing assistance to Ukraine because, in her opinion, approving support for the current government, which is resigning, would set a risky precedent for changing power after any future elections.