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Slovak Prime Minister makes his first statement after assassination attempt

Slovak Prime Minister makes his first statement after assassination attempt Photo: Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico (Getty Images)

Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico made his first statement today, June 5th, regarding an assassination attempt against him.

On his Facebook page, the Prime Minister published a 14-minute video where he discussed his reaction to the assassination attempt against him.

"It's time for me to take the first move. And that's forgiveness. I feel no hatred towards the stranger who shot me," he said.

Fico also added that he will not seek compensation for damages or file a lawsuit against the attacker. He also noted that he doesn't believe it was the act of a lone madman. Instead, Fico linked the attacker, Juraj Cintula, to the opposition, stating that he is an opposition activist.

At the same time, Fico announced that he plans to return to work this summer. According to him, this will happen around the turn of June and July.

Attack on Fico

On May 15th of this year, an attack was carried out on the Prime Minister of Slovakia. Fico suffered a gunshot wound and was airlifted to the nearest medical facility. For several days, doctors fought for the life of the prime minister, who underwent multiple surgeries during this time.

For more details on the assassination attempt and the motives of the attacker, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.