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Shootings in Dagestan, Russia: Synagogue, church and police attacked

Shootings in Dagestan, Russia: Synagogue, church and police attacked Shootings in Dagestan, Russia (photo: Getty Images)

On Sunday, June 23, unidentified gunmen opened fire on a synagogue, a church, and a police unit in the city of Derbent, Dagestan. The shooting was also reported in the capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala, according to Russian media.

Attack in Derbent

According to the Russian media, a group of unidentified people fired automatic weapons at a synagogue and a church. The incident occurred around 18:00 local time.

Later, a video of a large-scale fire in a local synagogue was posted on social media. According to preliminary data, there are already two victims, and another person was hospitalized.

Probably, there were five people who fired at the Orthodox church in Derbent. The attackers were traveling in a white Volkswagen Polo. The Interception plan was introduced in the region.

The corpse of a man with a head wound was found near the burning synagogue. Another man was hospitalized with burns.

Later, the head of the Dagestan Public Oversight Commission, Shamil Khadulayev, said that a priest was killed during the attack on the Orthodox church in Derbent - a 66-year-old man's throat was cut.

Attack in Makhachkala

Later, Russian media began reporting on a shooting in the capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala. There, unknown persons fired at a traffic police post on Yermoshkin Street. The published videos show the police car on fire.

According to preliminary data, one police officer was killed and six others were injured. The city also announced the Interception plan.

Attack on the border of Russia and Abkhazia

Russian media also reported that unknown persons opened fire on the border between Russia and Abkhazia, near the checkpoint on the Psou River.

According to preliminary reports, at least three people have been injured and one person has been killed.

Terrorist attack near Moscow

On March 22, the Crocus City Hall concert hall in the suburbs of Moscow was attacked. At least 144 people were killed, making it the deadliest terrorist attack in Russia in 20 years.

An affiliate of the ISIS group claimed responsibility, but Russian leader Vladimir Putin tried to blame Ukraine without providing any evidence.