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Shooting incident happened with Kazakh opposition journalist in Kyiv: Details

Shooting incident happened with Kazakh opposition journalist in Kyiv: Details Photo: Aidos Sadykov (video screenshot)

Today, there was shot in the Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv. It is a Kazakh opposition journalist Aidos Sadykov.

More details on the incident - in the material below.

Shooting incident in Kyiv

The National Police of Ukraine were the first to report the incident. According to their press service, a call was received on the 102 line about gunshots heard on V. Yarmoly Street in the Shevchenkivskyi district. Police officers were dispatched to the scene.

Preliminary investigations revealed that an unknown assailant approached a parked car with a man and a woman inside. The attacker fired at the man and then fled the scene. The woman was unharmed.

RBC-Ukraine later identified the victim as Kazakh opposition journalist Aidos Sadykov.

All relevant services are currently working at the scene, and authorities are determining the legal qualifications of the incident. The search for the shooter is ongoing.

Shooting incident happened with Kazakh opposition journalist in Kyiv: Details

Photo: Scene of the shooting in Shevchenkivskyi district of Kyiv (

Who is Aidos Sadykov?

Aidos Sadykov was born in the village of Karabutak in the Aktobe region of Kazakhstan, near the Russian border. He graduated from the historical faculty of the Aktobe Pedagogical Institute.

Sadykov faced criminal prosecution in his homeland. In 2010, he was sentenced to two years in prison on charges of hooliganism and was released in 2012. He and his supporters claimed the charges were fabricated. Sadykov was active in civic activities and organized protests. He was the head of the Aktobe regional branch of the opposition Nationwide Social Democratic Party (OSDP) Azat. After leaving the party, he attempted to create the opposition civic movement Gastat and an independent trade union at enterprises of the Chinese oil company CNPC-Aktobemunaigas.

Together with his wife, Sadykov runs a YouTube channel, BASE, where he criticizes the Kazakh government and oligarchs. He is also known for supporting the protests in Kazakhstan in January 2022, during which CSTO troops were deployed to suppress them. In October 2023, he was put on the wanted list in Kazakhstan for so-called "incitement of enmity."

His latest video was published today, titled "The President of Kazakhstan has become a puppet of Russian influence agents."