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Shelling of Sumy: Six dead, police officers among victims and wounded

Shelling of Sumy: Six dead, police officers among victims and wounded Photo: six dead in Sumy after attacks on medical facility (illustration/ s dnipropetrovskaODA)

In Sumy, Russian forces struck a medical facility twice on September 28. Six deaths have already been confirmed, including a police officer, Ukraine’s Minister of Internal Affairs, Ihor Klymenko reports.

"In Sumy, the Russians struck a medical facility twice. As of now, six people have been killed," he stated.

According to the Minister, one person died in the first strike, several floors of the hospital collapsed, and the evacuation of patients and staff began.

"Rescuers and police officers arrived at the scene to assist the victims. During the evacuation of patients, the enemy struck again. As of now, six people have been confirmed dead, including a police officer. Another police officer was injured," Klymenko added.

Shelling in Sumy

At around 6:25 AM (Ukraine time), an air raid alert was declared in the Sumy, Poltava, and Kharkiv regions due to the threat of Russian drones. Shortly after, explosions were heard in Sumy.

It later became known that the occupiers had carried out an airstrike on a medical facility in Sumy. Reports of casualties came in immediately.

A few minutes later, it was revealed that the invaders launched a second strike on the city. This time, in addition to the medical facility, the residential area was also hit.