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Shelling of Kherson region: 6 police officers injured

Shelling of Kherson region: 6 police officers injured Photo: Russians attacked the Kherson region (Getty Images)

The military forces of the Russian Federation have once again attacked the territories of the Kherson region. Today, as a result of enemy shelling, one person was killed, and six law enforcement officers were injured, according to the Kherson Regional Prosecutor's Office.

According to prosecutors, during the morning enemy shelling of the village of Darivka, six police officers were injured.

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"Prosecutors are taking all possible and appropriate measures to document war crimes committed by representatives of the Russian armed forces," emphasized the prosecutor's office.

We also reported that around 10 a.m. today, the Russian army shelled the city center of Kherson. As a result of the enemy attack in the city, an 81-year-old man who was walking on the street at that moment was killed.

Recent attacks

Last night, on December 16, Russian occupiers shelled Kherson and its surrounding region. The Russians used artillery as well as drones of Iranian origin. In Kherson, there were hits near an infrastructure object, resulting in damaged buildings. Two men were injured.

In Stepantsi near Kherson, debris from a downed Shaheed fell, damaging a hospital. The moment of the strike on the medical facility was captured on video.

Also, on this night in Kherson and the region, enemy kamikaze drones were shot down. In the city, the falling debris of the Shaheed was documented.