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Shahed plant doesn't bode well for Russia-Ukraine war,- US intelligence reports

Shahed plant doesn't bode well for Russia-Ukraine war,- US intelligence reports The US intelligence believes that the Shahed plant in Russia can significantly impact the war.
Author: Daria Shekina

The construction of the Shahed kamikaze drone production plant in Russia could significantly impact the course of the war against Ukraine, according to a CNN report citing unspecified analysts from the Defense Intelligence Agency.

According to their statements, such a plant will provide Russia with a new supply of drones. It will allow the aggressor country to receive many more kamikaze drones than currently supplied by Iran. The analysts specified that the completion of the plant's construction is expected in early 2024.

The Defense Intelligence Agency emphasized that, so far, Iran has provided Russia with over 400 Shahed 131, 136, and Mohajer drones, and this supply is almost entirely depleted.

Furthermore, as the analysts pointed out, the US has "undeniable evidence" that Russia is using these Iranian kamikaze drones. The details of these UAVs match those found in Iranian drones recovered in Iraq.

US intelligence clarified that Russia might also receive new drones from Iran, specifically the Shahed 101, which is a smaller and lighter version compared to the UAVs already received by the aggressor country.

"There is a possibility that Iran could begin providing the Shahed-101 to Russia, particularly because they are more compact and easier to ship, they added," as quoted by CNN from the analysts' statements.

One of the employees of the Intelligence Directorate revealed that it is advantageous for Iran to supply military aid to Russia because it allows Iran to showcase its weaponry to potential international buyers while receiving money and support from Russia for its space and missile programs.

The production plant for Shahed drones in Russia

Russia began receiving Iranian kamikaze drones last year and has been actively using them for attacks on Ukraine's civilian infrastructure and civilians.

For instance, on July 24th, Russian forces struck the port of Reni with Shahed drones. The attack caused damage to grain storage facilities and port infrastructure.

Back in June, John Kirby, the coordinator of the US National Security Council, stated that Iran is actively assisting Russia in building a production plant for Shahed drones. The plant is expected to be completed by the end of next year, as mentioned by the official.