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September 8 astrological forecast: Beware of negative influences

September 8 astrological forecast: Beware of negative influences What colors are forbidden to use on September 8 (illustration:

This Sunday, September 8, could prove to be quite challenging. The reason is that when planning your day, you should consider the influence of the Moon and the Sun, which will be in unfavorable positions. Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Soloviova has prepared a detailed forecast for September 8 and advised which colors to avoid.

Astrological weather forecast for September 8

Soloviova warns that on this day, you should take the following advice into account:

  • Be cautious, as fraud and deception are possible.
  • Take care of your health, as the likelihood of catching a cold increases.
  • Be careful with your words; gossip and lies can be dangerous—they will quickly become known to those around you.

"After 12:13, words take on the highest power and significance: everything said may manifest in reality. All good wishes will come true. It's beneficial to practice speaking, work with speech therapists and pediatricians, and eliminate filler words. Collective events can be held," the expert noted.

September 8 astrological forecast: Beware of negative influences

Horoscope for September 8 (illustration:

Astro life hacks for this Sunday

On September 8 and Saturday, the Sun will be in a difficult aspect with Saturn. This may lead to negative thoughts, a deterioration in health, and the emergence of difficulties and problems.

Engage in creativity, but refrain from romance and risky adventures. You can dedicate time to hobbies, attend a concert, or go to a performance.

"It’s better not to wear orange, gold, or yellow colors in your clothing and avoid symbols of the sunflower and lion. Do not wear gold jewelry or overindulge in oranges. Also, avoid using classic Sun symbols, such as sunflowers and lion images," the astrologer warned.

September 8 astrological forecast: Beware of negative influences

What colors are forbidden to use on September 8 (illustration:

Not to do on this day, and why

"On September 8, from 08:36 to 10:35 (Kyiv time), the Moon, which governs our emotions, psyche, soul, subconscious, instincts, feelings, mood, sensitivity, vulnerability, and emotional variability, will be in a destructive degree of Scorpio," Solovyova explained.

She noted that the destructive degree is a degree of sacrificial testing: only through trials can one receive help and compensation for one's resilience. It brings tests of strength, endurance, and perseverance.

This degree also attracts events that cause suffering and negative situations that may lead to disappointment, pessimism, and despair.

"In Scorpio, this degree brings the destruction of the psychic nature, pessimism, emotional breakdowns, irritability, stinginess, health deterioration, disasters, greed, risks, losses, and perversions. The impact of this degree depends on the ability to harmoniously integrate into life and find mutual understanding with the surrounding world, as well as the art of learning from life lessons," the astrologer said.

"Do not start tasks related to the Moon's domain during the period from 08:36 to 10:35. For highly developed individuals, this day provides the opportunity to become brilliant psychologists, attune to sources of higher wisdom, learn from the highest intellect, transmit transcendental knowledge, and restore health," she concluded.

In addition, we recently shared which Zodiac signs will be very lucky by the end of the year.