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Secret annexes of victory plan refer to strikes on territory of Russia - Zelenskyy's Office

Secret annexes of victory plan refer to strikes on territory of Russia - Zelenskyy's Office Photo: Mykhailo Podolyak, Advisor to the Head of the President's Office (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Secret annexes of Ukraine's victory plan discuss the possibility of strikes on Russian territory and the necessary weaponry for such actions, according to Mykhailo Podolyak, the advisor to the head of the President's Office, in a comment to the RBC-Ukraine YouTube channel.

According to him, the secret annexes, which have not been disclosed to the public, outline the destruction of the enemy's logistics and the elimination of key targets, including troop concentrations.

"We touched upon the plan for victory. The annexes specify what kind of weapons are needed to destroy logistics far from the front line, to target accumulation and production sites, including where personnel will be gathering deep within Russia, what specific targets will be hit, and how much weaponry is needed for this," Podolyak said.

Ukraine's victory plan

On Wednesday, October 16, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy presented Ukraine's victory plan in parliament. It consists of five points covering defense, military, economic, and security aspects.

Additionally, according to the president, the plan includes three secret annexes, which were presented to select partners. More details on Ukraine's victory plan can be found via the link.

The victory plan includes a mandatory invitation for Ukraine to join NATO. Ukraine believes that this invitation should come before Joe Biden leaves the White House.