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Searches at Kyiv CHPP: Reason revealed

Searches at Kyiv CHPP: Reason revealed Searches at Kyiv CHPP plant are related to embezzlement (Photo: Getty Images)

The State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) is conducting searches at the Kyiv Thermal Power Plant (CHPP). The searches relate to the embezzlement of funds allocated for repairing equipment damaged by shelling to sources in law enforcement shared with RBC-Ukraine.

Today's searches at the premises of the Kyiv TEC are linked to the misappropriation of money designated for repairing equipment damaged by artillery fire. However, the source did not provide further details.


Earlier today, it was announced on the official websites of the Kyiv City State Administration and Kyivteploenergo that the State Bureau of Investigations is conducting searches at the Kyiv CHPP.

According to the announcement, investigators are attempting to enter directly into the mode-specific energy facilities, access to which is restricted by law during a state of war, and are recording everything on video.

However, both press services characterized the search's reason as "unclear." They stated that the SBI case is not directly related to the activities of the Kyivteploenergo municipal enterprise, and the search warrant does not include the addresses of the physical locations of the energy facilities.

Kyivteploenergo described the searches as creating a "threat to the disruption of the technological process of electricity and heat production." The company stated in a release that interference with the work of operational personnel could lead to unpredictable consequences.

Nevertheless, Kyivteploenergo expressed "readiness to cooperate with investigators and provide all necessary information."

The company added that during the heating season, Kyiv TEC-5 and TEC-6 provide approximately 50% of the heating supply to the capital and contribute electricity to Ukraine's integrated power system.