Scientists predict Earth's end: Possible scenario

Can our planet ever perish? According to scientists, such a situation is quite possible. What exactly will cause the death of Earth and when it will happen is difficult to say, but some theories exist.
During the preparation of the material, the following sources were used: Live Science, European Space Agency.
Probable cause of the planet's death
According to some experts, the life-giving sun could be the reason for Earth's demise. Researchers claim that as the main star of the Solar System ages, its life cycle will eventually "consume" our blue world.
According to planetary scientist from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Ravi Kopparapu, over time, the Sun, through natural evolution, will become a large red giant, eventually engulfing the Earth.
"There is no need to wait until the outer layers of the Sun reach the Earth. The planet will feel extreme heat long before the Sun completes its transition to a red giant," he noted.
Earth can't withstand solar 'intensity' (illustrative photo: Pixabay)
According to a scientist, during the Sun's dying process, "the temperature will rise, oceans will evaporate, then the atmosphere will eventually disappear, and then the tidal forces of solar gravity will disrupt the Earth."
"Earth has probably about 4.5 billion years left before the Sun becomes a big red giant and then engulfs the Earth," he believes.
When all life could perish
Despite the expected time of Earth's death, life on the planet may disappear much earlier.
The first scenario is that humans may cause their own extinction within the next few centuries. This could happen if the current rates of anthropogenic climate change are not reduced.
The second scenario is that Earth will become uninhabitable for most organisms due to the transformation of the Sun.
According to Kopparapu, in about 1.3 billion years, humans will not be able to physiologically survive in nature (on Earth) due to persistent hot and humid conditions. Our bodies won't be able to cool down through sweating, and we will die (essentially boiling alive).
Oceans may evaporate in approximately 2 billion years when the brightness level of the Sun is nearly 20% higher than it is now.
The Sun gives life and brings destruction (illustrative photo: Pixabay)
Scientists note that some living species may survive until that time, but not humans.
"If we're talking about human life, the next hundred years will be interesting," says the NASA expert.
How the Sun will turn into a red giant
According to the European Space Agency, a red giant forms in the final stages of stellar evolution when a star runs out of hydrogen for nuclear fusion and begins to die.
Once nuclear fusion ceases, gravity takes over. The helium core starts to compress under the force of gravity, leading to a rise in temperature.
In the case of the Sun, such a heat surge will result in a rapid expansion of its outer plasma layer.
"The Sun will expand at least to the size of Earth's orbit," concluded Kopparapu.
Recall that we previously discussed how many people will live on Earth in 2100 and whether the planet is ready for such changes.