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Scholz before visiting Washington: Germany could not support Ukraine alone

Scholz before visiting Washington: Germany could not support Ukraine alone German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (Getty Images)

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called on allies in Europe and the United States to provide greater support to Ukraine at the start of his trip to Washington, according to RND.

"Now is the moment when we need to do what is necessary, meaning jointly provide Ukraine with the ability to defend itself and at the same time send a very clear signal to the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin," he said.

He notes that the signal to Putin is that Europe will support Ukraine long enough.

"The signal is that he cannot count on our support diminishing, but it will last quite a long time and will be significant. This message needs to be conveyed together in the coming days and weeks," Scholz added.

He also says Ukraine is indeed defending itself with all it has. For Kyiv to continue, it needs support, Scholz stated.

"What has been promised so far in Europe and what has also been promised in resolutions by the U.S. Congress is still not enough. Therefore, we need to find a way to do more together," the Chancellor said.

He added that Germany "has made a very large contribution."

"But it will not be enough if there is not sufficient support everywhere," the politician says.

Germany's aid to Ukraine

Germany is one of Ukraine's main allies following the onset of the full-scale Russian invasion.

On January 31, Germany provided Ukraine with a new package of military assistance. It includes missiles for air defense systems, all-terrain vehicles, and armored personnel carriers.

Germany's Minister for Health, Karl Lauterbach, assured Ukraine of further assistance and cooperation in healthcare.

Earlier, Scholz stated that Ukraine might soon face a serious shortage of weapons and ammunition.