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Rutte on NATO countries downing Russian drones and missiles: National authorities make decisions

Rutte on NATO countries downing Russian drones and missiles: National authorities make decisions Photo: NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Daryna Vialko

NATO countries individually decide whether to shoot down Russian missiles and drones that violate their airspace. The Alliance has already decided to strengthen air defense on the eastern flank, stated NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte at a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

According to Rutte, the decision to down drones and missiles entering NATO airspace is made by national authorities. He noted that NATO has already decided to bolster air defense on the eastern flank so that all members can protect their airspace.

Rutte added that allies are closely consulting on these matters, and NATO leadership will continue working with member states to ensure effective missile defense.


Russian drones have repeatedly violated Romanian airspace during attacks on the Odesa region. There have also been incidents of Russian missiles entering Polish airspace.

Both Romania and Poland, NATO members, have not shot down Russian missiles or drones.

Ukraine has urged its partners to destroy Russian air targets that violate their airspace, and there have been discussions about allies helping Ukraine intercept Russian missiles over Ukrainian territory.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has suggested that allies could shoot down Russian missiles over Ukraine, similar to how Iranian Shaheds are intercepted over Israel.