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Russians used black Shaheds today: Likelihood of new jet drones

Russians used black Shaheds today: Likelihood of new jet drones Photo: spokesperson of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Yurii Ihnat (armyinform com ua)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

During today's drone attack on Kyiv, the Russians used black Shaheds. But these were not the new jet drones that Iran had previously presented, according to the spokesperson of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Yurii Ihnat.

Photos of the wreckage of the Shaheds that attacked Kyiv today appeared on the Internet. The published footage shows that the drones were black in color. The network suggested that the Russians could have used the latest Iranian drones.

"These are not jets (shaheds, - ed.). Iran showed a promising model of this Shahed, it is not known in what quantity they are manufactured, etc., what will be the fate of this jet UAV," Ihnat says.

The spokesperson adds that the Russians are constantly modernizing the Shaheds. Perhaps the black color was used to complicate the work of Ukrainian air defense.

"They have improved the UAVs that they got from Iran and the ones that they make themselves, using certain composite materials for the reflective surface. Now we see that they used a carbon material. Carbon is an absorbing material for the radar signal, and the black color is, of course, why," he adds.

New Shaheds

Iran presented an upgraded version of its Fattah hypersonic missile and a new version of Shahed drones at a military exhibition in Tehran. The jet version of Shahed-136 was named Shahed-238.

The new drone has a black color. This is associated with the possible use of radio-absorbing materials. However, there is no official confirmation of this.

Massive attack on Kyiv

That night, the occupiers released 75 Shahed-type kamikaze drones across Ukraine. Our air defense forces shot down 74 drones. The main goal of the Russians was Kyiv. Today's attack by the Shahed on the capital of Ukraine was the largest since the beginning of the full-scale war.

In the capital, debris from downed drones fell in several areas, there was destruction. 5 people were injured in the shelling of Kyiv. Among them is an 11-year-old child.

Read more about the attack on the capital in the RBC-Ukraine.