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Russians transfer troops from Kherson region to Kharkiv direction

Russians transfer troops from Kherson region to Kharkiv direction Photo: Russians are transferring troops from the south to the Kharkiv region (Getty Images)

The Russians, facing significant losses in the Kharkiv direction, are reinforcing them by redeploying troops from the Kherson region, according to the Center for National Resistance (CNR).

"Facing setbacks on the northern front, the enemy has begun redeploying units from Kherson to the Kharkiv direction," the statement reads.

According to local reports, Russians are shifting some units and deploying drone operators to the area.

"At the same time, the enemy has bolstered recruitment for the Margelov Volunteer Battalion to replenish losses," notes the Center for National Resistance (CNR).

Additionally, locals during mandatory updates at military registration and enlistment offices are being pressured to enlist under contract and threatened with forced mobilization.

Situation in the Kharkiv region

Russian forces launched a new offensive in the Kharkiv region starting from May 10. Currently, active combat operations are ongoing in the Volchansk direction and near the village of Lyptsi.

The State Border Guard Service does not rule out the possibility of expanding the combat zone along the border with the Russian Federation, including in the Sumy region.

Russians transfer troops from Kherson region to Kharkiv directionThe situation on the Kharkiv front as of June 8 (

According to the latest data from the General Staff, there were 101 combat engagements on the front lines in the past day. Since the beginning of this day, 34 combat engagements have been recorded, with the highest number occurring on the Pokrovsky direction.