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Russians support ending war with Ukraine, but there's nuance: Survey

Russians support ending war with Ukraine, but there's nuance: Survey Vladimir Putin (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

The survey results indicate that 70% of Russians are willing to support the decision of the dictator Vladimir Putin to end the war if such a decision is made, according to data from the Levada-Center poll.

Specifically, in response to the question, "If this week, President Vladimir Putin decided to cease the military conflict with Ukraine, would you support or not support this decision?" the first group of respondents replied as follows:

  • 37% - would unquestionably support it,
  • 33% - would rather support it,
  • 12% - would unequivocally not support it,
  • 9% - would rather not support it,
  • 9% - found it difficult to answer.

For the second group of respondents, the question was phrased, "If this week, President Vladimir Putin decided to end the military conflict with Ukraine and return the annexed territories to Ukraine, would you support or not support this decision?" The responses were as follows:

  • 16% - would unquestionably support it,
  • 18% - would rather support it,
  • 19% - would rather not support it,
  • 38% - would unequivocally not support it,
  • 10% - found it difficult to answer.

When asked whether military actions should continue or peaceful negotiations should begin, more than half of the respondents favored negotiations.

Support for the Russian army

Three-quarters of respondents stated that they support "the actions of Russian armed forces in Ukraine." Among respondents aged 18-24, 62% expressed this support, while among respondents aged 55 and over, 82% were in favor.

Nearly half of Russians would like to reverse the decision to initiate the war

Respondents were asked, "If you had the opportunity to go back in time and cancel or support the start of the military operation in Ukraine, you would..."

  • 23% - would definitely cancel it,
  • 18% - would rather cancel it,
  • 22% - would rather support it,
  • 21% - would unequivocally support it,
  • 15% - found it difficult to answer.

Russians believe that the war will continue for an extended period, but they view the "special operation" in Ukraine as highly successful or rather successful.

Specifically, 46% of respondents believe that the Russia-Ukraine war will last for over a year. In May 2022, three months after the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, only 21% of respondents held this view.

Moreover, 62% of respondents are convinced that the "special operation" of the Russian army in Ukraine is progressing very successfully or rather successfully.

Why did Russia start the war?

23% of survey participants did not know or hesitated to answer. Only those who believed that Russia was "defending and liberating" the residents of Donbas accounted for 25%. One in ten believed that it was about "reclaiming our historical lands." 14% stated that the goal was to "eradicate fascism," and 13% believed it was because "they forced us, insulted us."