ua en ru

Russians strike houses in Kherson, resulting in casualties: photos

Russians strike houses in Kherson, resulting in casualties: photos Photo: Russians hit Kherson (

The Russian army shelled Kherson on Sunday, September 24. There are casualties as a result of the attack, according to Roman Mrochko, the head of the Kherson Military Administration, and the Prosecutor's Office of the Kherson region.

Occupants fired artillery at the Korabelnyi district of Kherson. According to local authorities, buildings were damaged as a result of the attack.

Mrochko added that at least six people were injured.

The Prosecutor's Office stated that the shelling occurred around 12:00, and four people were injured, with two of them hospitalized.

Private houses, apartments, and a daycare center were damaged. Law enforcement authorities have opened a criminal case for violations of laws and customs of war.

Photo: Russians shelled Kherson (

Shelling in the Kherson region

After the liberation of the right-bank part of the Kherson region, Russian terrorists have been shelling Kherson and other de-occupied settlements daily.

Today, the occupiers shelled Beryslav, resulting in the death of a woman. Three people were injured, including a police officer. Additionally, the Russians conducted an airstrike on the village of Lvove, where a man suffered fatal injuries.