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Russians shelled multi-story buildings in Kupiansk: Woman injured

Russians shelled multi-story buildings in Kupiansk: Woman injured Russians shelled multi-story buildings in Kupiansk (Photo: Getty Images)

On October 2, the Russian army twice shelled Kupiansk in the Kharkiv region. As a result of enemy strikes, a woman was injured, according to the Chairman of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleh Synehubov.

First shelling of Kupiansk

Synehubov reported that the occupiers attacked the city with an air bomb. As a result of the enemy's attack, at least seven residential buildings were damaged, and civilian vehicles were destroyed.

Photo: The aftermath of the strike (

"At the moment, there is no information about the wounded. Emergency Services are eliminating the consequences of the hits," explained the head of the region.

Second attack on the city

Later, Synehubov wrote that the occupiers had struck Kupiansk again.

Russians shelled multi-story buildings in Kupiansk: Woman injured

Photo: The aftermath of the strike (

"Multi-story residential buildings are damaged," reported the head of the Regional State Administration.

According to him, a civilian woman was injured and hospitalized; her details are being established.

Shelling of Kupiansk

Russian terrorists almost daily strike at the Kharkiv region. Border settlements or those near the front line often come under fire.

Recently, terrorists struck Kupiansk with a guided aerial bomb. Initially, three deaths were reported, but later, it was reported that eight people had died.

According to official information, the Russian military struck with the hybrid missile "Grim-E1," which is based on the Soviet X-38 missile.