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How many missiles Russians stockpiled for winter attacks on Ukraine? Intelligence answers

How many missiles Russians stockpiled for winter attacks on Ukraine? Intelligence answers Representative of Ukraine's Defense Intelligence, Andrii Yusov (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Russia may resume missile attacks on Ukraine as winter begins. As of now, the occupiers have stockpiled over 800 precision missiles, according to a representative of Ukraine's Defense Intelligence, Andrii Yusov.

"We now understand that (Russia has) accumulated over 800 precision missiles. They can produce around a hundred missiles of various types per month. Considering they used combined strikes and the missile component was smaller in recent months, the enemy has accumulated the appropriate reserves," the statement says.

Yusov explains that it means that Russian attacks are likely to be resumed as winter sets in. The Ukrainian Defense Forces, Ukrainian society, and the state are already preparing.

Yusov also reports that last year, the enemy had much larger reserves. Despite ongoing production, they cannot return to the levels of the previous winter and a full-scale invasion.

Missile stockpiles in Russia

In September, The New York Times reported that Russia managed to bypass Western sanctions and export controls. As a result, the aggressor country increased missile production, even surpassing pre-war levels.

Andriy Yermak, the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, states that the effectiveness of sanctions against Russia will determine whether Russia can continue to produce missiles and use them to kill Ukrainians.

Yusov also reported that Russia intended to obtain ballistic missiles from Iran, but it had not been confirmed.