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Russians killed four captive National Guard fighters near Selydove, Donetsk region

Russians killed four captive National Guard fighters near Selydove, Donetsk region Illustrative photo: Russians killed four captured soldiers of the National Guard near Selydove (facebook com mod mil rus)

Russian forces killed four National Guard servicemen in the Selydove area, Donetsk region. Before this, the National Guard soldiers had been taken as prisoners, according to the Office of the Prosecutor General.

According to operational data, on October 6, four servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine were performing combat duties at positions near Selydove.

"Around 1 PM, the occupying forces launched an assault on the fortifications, during which they captured our defenders. Subsequently, representatives of the Russian Armed Forces recorded the interrogation of the wounded, unarmed National Guard soldiers on video," the statement reads.

The next day, prosecutors say, the Defense Forces regained the lost positions.

"During search operations, the bodies of the killed Ukrainian servicemen were found," the agency added.

The Office of the Prosecutor General emphasizes that the killing of prisoners of war is a gross violation of the Geneva Conventions and is classified as a serious international crime.

Under the procedural guidance of the Donetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation has been initiated in a criminal case concerning the violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional killing (Part 2, Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Killings of captured Ukrainian soldiers

Shootings of captured Ukrainian soldiers at the front have become more frequent recently.

For example, on October 18, Russian soldiers executed two Ukrainian soldiers near Selydove.

Law enforcement officers are also investigating the shooting of 16 captured soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Pokrovsk direction. They have already established a division that could arrange an execution. This is the most massive case of execution of Ukrainian prisoners of war on the front line since the beginning of the war.