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Russians intensify shelling near Vovchansk, may be preparing for assaults

Russians intensify shelling near Vovchansk, may be preparing for assaults Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russian forces have intensified shelling in the Kharkiv direction, particularly in the Vovchansk area. In addition, the occupiers are concentrating troops and equipment there, according to the Operational-Tactical Group Kharkiv.

"Since the beginning of the week, there has been a significant increase in the number of shellings by Russian occupiers in the operational zone of the Operational-Tactical Group Kharkiv. Over the past day alone, there have been 517 shellings of Ukrainian defenders' positions," the statement reads.

The Russians are using artillery, mortars, and multiple rocket launch systems. Military officials note that the increased shelling could indicate the enemy's intentions to launch active assault operations.

"Particular attention should be paid to the Vovchansk area, where the intensity of shelling is especially high. According to intelligence, Russian occupation forces are increasing their military presence, conducting preparatory measures, and concentrating forces and equipment in this area," the Defense Forces report.

The intensification of shelling in the Kharkiv direction poses a serious challenge for Ukrainian defenders. Despite this, the Defense Forces are ready to repel the enemy's offensive actions.

Russians intensify shelling near Vovchansk, may be preparing for assaults

Situation in northern Kharkiv region

In May 2024, Russian occupation forces launched a new offensive in the northern Kharkiv region. The invaders captured several settlements and reached the city of Vovchansk but did not advance further. Fighting in the Kharkiv direction continues.

Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the Russians would no longer be able to capture Kharkiv. According to the head of state, the occupiers have shifted their focus to the Pokrovsk direction.

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, nine battles took place in the Kharkiv direction in the past day.