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Russians forcibly collect biometric data from Ukrainians in the south

Russians forcibly collect biometric data from Ukrainians in the south In the south, Russians are forcibly collecting biometric data from Ukrainians (illustrative photo: Russian media)

The Russians in the occupied territories are forcibly collecting biometric data from Ukrainians, according to the National Resistance Center.

According to the agency's information, the Russians are collecting fingerprints from Ukrainians as a way to combat the resistance movement. They have organized special "gatherings" in villages for compulsory fingerprinting.

Furthermore, they demanded that Ukrainians who remained in the occupied territories write applications to receive Russian passports. The responsibility for this currently falls under the "migration department" of the police. The enemy hopes to increase the percentage of the population with Russian passports, as the current level does not satisfy Moscow.

Forced passportization by the Russian Federation in the occupied territories of Ukraine

After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the occupiers set several objectives in the captured territories, including the deportation of Ukrainians, especially children, the theft of Ukrainian grain, and the forced passportization of the population.

Previously, in the occupied territories, the invaders introduced a rule stating that adolescents who are 14 years old must obtain a Russian passport to be allowed to participate in sports activities.

Furthermore, students in upper grades who do not have Russian passports were temporarily not allowed to attend classes.