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Russians feel 'uncomfortable': defense forces official on situation in Kherson sector

Russians feel 'uncomfortable': defense forces official on situation in Kherson sector Natalia Humeniuk, spokeswoman for the Southern Ukraine Defense Forces (Vladyslav Krasinskyi, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Maria Kholina

Russian occupiers are facing increasing pressure not only in the Zaporizhzhia region but also in Kherson as the Ukrainian armed forces continue to destroy the enemy, according to the spokesperson of the Joint Press Center of the Southern Defense Forces, Natalia Humeniuk.

"Russian bloggers are screaming and shouting about their army being under-equipped and that their forces suffer from pressure from our units. They are particularly bothered by counter-battery fighting, as powerful strikes are being delivered from positions they attempted to capture after the water retreat caused by a technogenic catastrophe at the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant," Humeniuk said.

According to the spokesperson of the Joint Press Center of the Southern Ukraine Defense Forces, the Armed Forces are destroying the Russian "makeshift river fleet" on which the enemy attempts to maneuver between islands. Substantial efforts are also being made to eliminate large-caliber artillery.

Over the past day, August 25, on the Kherson sector, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed:

  • Over 40 Russian troops
  • 5 artillery pieces
  • 8 armored vehicles
  • 1 boat

Significant work is also being done to strike at enemy observation posts and radar stations.

"Our actions remain a surprise for them, and the results bring us closer to victory each day," Humeniuk added.

Frontline situation

As reported by analysts from the Institute for the Study of War, heavy fighting continues across the entire front line. Ukrainian forces are conducting offensive operations in the Melitopol direction, where they have achieved some undefined success. Meanwhile, the enemy suffered significant losses due to insufficient support on the islands in the Dnipro Delta located in the Kherson region.