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Russians attacked Odesa region with drones at night: Hotel and other sites damaged

Russians attacked Odesa region with drones at night: Hotel and other sites damaged Photo: The Russian Federation attacked Vylkovo in the Odesa region with drones on September 8 (Getty Images)

On the night of September 8, Russian forces attacked the Odesa region with drones. Civilian infrastructure and a hotel in Vylkove were damaged, according to the Southern Defense Forces of Ukraine.

"Tonight, the Odesa region faced another attack by enemy UAVs launched from the Black Sea. The air alert lasted for over three hours," the statement said.

According to the military, impacts were recorded in the city of Vylkove, where civilian infrastructure and a hotel and restaurant complex were damaged.

"Fortunately, there are no casualties," the Defense Forces confirmed.

Russian attack

Russian forces shelled Ukraine with rockets and drones on the night of September 8. The occupiers launched 23 Shahed drones and four Kh-59 missiles. Air defense intercepted 15 UAVs and one Kh-59 missile during the attack.

According to the Ukrainian Air Force, Russian drones violated Romanian airspace.

Residents of Romania's border regions with Ukraine were warned about the risk of falling debris. Authorities in Romania are currently checking areas where UAVs may have fallen.