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Russian T-80 tank explodes on mine in Belgorod region, one killed

Russian T-80 tank explodes on mine in Belgorod region, one killed Russian T-80 tank explodes in the Belgorod region (wikimedia)
Author: Maria Kholina

In the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation, a Russian T-80 tank detonated an anti-tank mine. The tank crew member died, with another wounded reported, according to the Russian Telegram channel Astra.

The incident occurred on Saturday evening, December 16, in the Valuysky municipal district. Four kilometers from the village of Karabanovo, near the border of the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation with Ukraine, a T-80 tank operated by a serviceman of the Russian occupation army ran over a mine.

As a result, the combat vehicle was completely destroyed, the tank crew member died, and another military personnel was injured.

Explosions in the Belgorod region of the Russian Federation

On Sunday, December 17, Russian partisans reportedly destroyed a company-level support point of the Russian forces in the Belgorod region. The Freedom of Russia legion reported that its fighters carried out a raid, completed all assigned tasks successfully, and returned to the territory of Ukraine.

Besides, fighters of this legion fighting on the side of Ukraine reportedly destroyed an enemy long-range visual reconnaissance complex Murom-P in the Belgorod region last week.