ua en ru

Russian strike on village council in Kharkiv region: Woman rescued from under rubble, footage

Russian strike on village council in Kharkiv region: Woman rescued from under rubble, footage Photo: From under the rubble in Kozacha Lopan (Pavlo Petrov)

The Russian army struck the village of Kozacha Lopan in the Kharkiv region today. People were trapped under the rubble, according to the State Emergency Service.

The Russians struck around 12:30 a.m. Kyiv time, and throughout this time, the State Emergency Service (SES) personnel have been conducting a rescue operation and clearing the rubble.

During the emergency and rescue work, SES personnel pulled a woman born in 1968 from under the debris. However, there may still be people trapped.

It is worth noting that the village of Kozacha Lopan is located just 10 kilometers from the border with Russia. At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, it was occupied by Russian forces and was liberated by the Defense Forces in the spring of 2022.

Situation in the Kharkiv direction

According to the spokesperson for the Operational Group of Troops Kharkiv, Vitalii Sarantsev, Russian invaders are currently redeploying units from the Luhansk region to the Kharkiv direction.

Additionally, in Vovchansk, Russian troops have engaged assault groups from the 4th Division, attempting to improve logistical support and establish a communication system.