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Russian spokesman blames West for Russia-Africa Summit failure

Russian spokesman blames West for Russia-Africa Summit failure Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin spokesman (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Most African countries ignored the Russia-Africa summit. The Kremlin accuses the West of this, according to CNN.

In response to journalists' questions about why only 17 African heads of state attended the summit, which is half the number compared to 2019, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov blamed the West for everything.

“There is overt brazen interference by the US, France and other states through their diplomatic missions in African countries and attempts to put pressure on the leadership of these countries in order to prevent their active participation in the forum,” Peskov stated.

According to the publication, it is expected that the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin will hold bilateral meetings with all the heads of African states participating in the summit.

It is worth adding that in a comment to "RIA Novosti," Oleg Ozerov, the ambassador at large of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated that invitations to the summit were sent to the heads of all African states.