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Russian reconnaissance groups try to breach Ukrainian border - Ukraine's top commander

Russian reconnaissance groups try to breach Ukrainian border - Ukraine's top commander Photo: Russian sabotage reconnaissance groups attempt to breach the Ukrainian border 9-10 times per month (Getty Images)

Russian sabotage reconnaissance groups attempt to breach Ukraine's border 9-10 times a month. Similar attempts are taking place in the Chernihiv and Sumy regions, says Lieutenant General Serhii Naiev, the commander of the Joint Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

"Enemy sabotage reconnaissance groups attempt to infiltrate the territory of border areas near Russia into the Chernihiv and Sumy regions around 9-10 times every month. The goal of these groups is to gather intelligence on our positions, and inflict damage on military, and even civilian targets," he explained.

According to information, these are professionally trained military personnel from special operations forces and the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Federation.

"That's why we must always be on alert," added Naiev.

To achieve this, as Naiev mentioned, joint actions are being practiced by the Security Service of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, and also the general military units that guard the state border of Ukraine.

"This cooperation, clear division of duties, and coordination provide us with an advantage," he added.

Situation with enemy sabotage reconnaissance groups along the Ukrainian border

In mid-October, enemy sabotage reconnaissance groups attempted to breach the Ukrainian border in the Sumy region and reach a critical infrastructure target. Ukrainian forces engaged the Russian infiltrators, and the Russians eventually retreated with casualties.

On the eve of this incident, the Center for National Resistance warned that special forces units of the Russian General Staff had arrived in the Belgorod region with the purpose of organizing sabotage activities within the territory of Ukraine, particularly from the side of the Sumy region.