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Russian rocket hits Shostka in Sumy region: One dead, seven injured

Russian rocket hits Shostka in Sumy region: One dead, seven injured Photo: Russia launched a missile attack on Shostka on June 14 (illustration/Getty Images)

Russian forces launched a missile strike on Shostka in Sumy region on Friday, June 14. There is one fatality and many injured, according to the Sumy Regional Military Administration, Operational Command North.

"Shostka community: the enemy launched a missile strike on the Shostka community. Preliminarily, one person has died, and four others sustained injuries of varying severity," reported the Regional Military Administration on June 14.

Increase in casualties

By Saturday, June 15, the North Operational Command reported seven injured.

"As a result of the shelling, one civilian was killed and seven others were injured, with industrial facilities damaged," military officials noted.

Shelling of Sumy region

Russian forces continue to shell border areas of Sumy region and the city of Sumy. The situation has intensified following Russian advances in the border regions of Kharkiv region.

Border guards do not rule out the expansion of the conflict zone. As previously stated by State Border Guard Service spokesman Andrii Demchenko, "we can never exclude the possibility that the enemy may want or be able to advance or expand the combat zone in other directions, including within Kharkiv region or even Sumy region."