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Russian propagandists spread fresh fake news about Zaluzhnyi

Russian propagandists spread fresh fake news about Zaluzhnyi Photo: Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Valery Zaluzhnyi (Getty Images)

Kremlin propagandists have concocted a new fake about the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi. Supposedly, the general, following reports of his resignation, is plotting a "coup" involving military personnel, reports the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security (SPRAVDI).

The essence of the fake

"General Zaluzhnyi, following news of his resignation, urged the Defense Forces to stage a march on Kyiv and seize power," - Spravdi quotes the essence of the fake, referring to a video address circulated by Russian Telegram channels.

What actually happened

In reality, as emphasized by the Center, the video fake is generated by propaganda using artificial intelligence, taking as its basis General Valerii Zaluzhnyi's address on the occasion of the Armed Forces Day on December 6, 2023.

"In the original video, the color palette was altered, and the background was blurred. Fake creators also infused the video with a typical set of Kremlin narratives, such as: "complete failure on the front," "total corruption in Ukraine," "Zelenskyy's terrorist acts," "sending soldiers to slaughter."

Fake news about Zaluzhnyi

This is not the first fake news spread by Russian sources about General Valerii Zaluzhnyi. Previously, in the spring of 2023, Kremlin-controlled media claimed that the Ukrainian general had allegedly suffered serious injuries due to a missile strike by Russian forces on a command post in the Kherson region. Later, General Zaluzhnyi himself debunked the fake about his "serious injuries." In June, there were even reports of the supposed "burial" of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.