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Russian officials say Interior Ministry websites outage on communication line break

Russian officials say Interior Ministry websites outage on communication line break Illustrative photo (getty images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

On the evening of October 16, the websites of the Russian Interior Ministry's federal, Moscow, and Moscow region branches were down for several hours. A ministry representative stated that the cause was a communication line break, according to Russian media.

"Russian Interior Ministry websites are down due to reasons beyond the ministry's control — caused by a communication line break," Russian state media quoted the Interior Ministry's representative as saying.

The State Automobile Inspectorate's website is also down.

Recently, the Cyber Corps of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine attacked several Russian educational institutions. These institutions train military specialists for Russia. Experts from the Main Intelligence Directorate launched a cyberattack on the network infrastructure of the North Caucasus Federal University, which trains drone operators, digital communication specialists, engineers, and physicists for Russia's occupying forces.