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Russian Ministry of Defense lost several Il-76 aircraft

Russian Ministry of Defense lost several Il-76 aircraft The Russian Ministry of Defense cannot use some of its Il-76 aircraft (photo: Russian media)

The use of substandard bearings in the chassis has caused the failure and suspension of operation for five Il-76 aircraft of the Russian Ministry of Defense, according to Russian editions Kommersant and Vazhnye Ystoryy.

The investigation revealed that from 2017 to 2022, the Balashikha Foundry and Mechanical Plant (BLMP) procured bearings with falsified documents from an unknown supplier.

Due to these violations, the Main Investigative Department of the Russian Investigative Committee has initiated a criminal case against the company's executives for supplying substandard bearings for military transport aircraft.

As of late 2023, the Russian Ministry of Defense had a total of 18 Il-76MD-90A aircraft.

On July 19, the Ukrainian Defense Forces shot down a Russian Su-25 attack aircraft that was attempting to target defensive positions.

As of July 20, Russia has lost 565,610 soldiers in the war in Ukraine.