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Russian invaders shot two Ukrainian prisoners

Russian invaders shot two Ukrainian prisoners Photo: the occupiers shot two Ukrainian prisoners (Getty Images)

Russian occupiers have shot two Ukrainian defenders who fell into captivity. This occurred in eastern Ukraine today, February 18, according to the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"This morning, within the responsibility zone of the Operational and Strategic Group of Troops Khortytsia, the Russians once again demonstrated their attitude towards International Humanitarian Law by shooting two Ukrainian prisoners of war," the statement reads.

It should be noted that the Operational and Strategic Group of Troops Khortytsia, also known as the Eastern grouping of forces, encompasses territories in the Kharkiv, Luhansk, and Donetsk regions, including Bahmut.

Frontline escalation

Recall that Ukrainian forces withdrew from Avdiivka, taking up more advantageous positions further from the city. The commander of the Tavriya direction reported that some Ukrainian fighters had been captured.

It should be added that the occupation forces have been attempting to "take" Avdiivka since the autumn of 2023. In February, the situation on this front became critical. Troops from the Third Assault Brigade were redeployed to the Avdiivka area to reinforce Ukrainian defenses.

Read more about what the withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from Avdiivka means and how it will affect the situation on the front line in this material.