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Russian forces strike Odesa with ballistic missiles, hitting civilian ship

Russian forces strike Odesa with ballistic missiles, hitting civilian ship Photo: Russian forces strike Odesa with ballistic missiles, hitting a civilian ship (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

On the evening of October 7, Russian forces attacked Odesa with ballistic missiles, striking a civilian vessel flying the flag of Palau. The attack resulted in one fatality and several injuries, according to Odesa Regional Military Administration head Oleh Kiper and Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister for Restoration of Ukraine, Minister for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine, Oleksiy Kuleba.

According to Kiper, the target of the attack was Odesa’s port infrastructure. A ballistic missile hit the civilian ship OPTIMA under the flag of Palau, killing a 60-year-old Ukrainian, an employee of a private cargo-handling company.

Five foreign crew members were injured. Four are in moderate condition and one sustained minor injuries. They are currently receiving necessary medical assistance.

Kuleba noted that the ship had just arrived for loading earlier that day but became a target for Russia in a few hours.

The Minister emphasized that Russian forces are once again trying to disrupt the operation of Ukraine’s grain corridor. This is the second attack on a civilian vessel in the Odesa region's ports in recent days.

Law enforcement agencies are documenting the consequences of this latest Russian crime.

Odesa port attacks

On the night of October 6, Russian forces shelled Odesa with drones and ballistic missiles, damaging a civilian ship during the missile strike.

Additionally, on September 20, Russian forces launched a missile attack on Odesa, injuring civilians, damaging port and civilian infrastructure, and striking a civilian vessel flying the flag of Antigua.