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Russian forces strengthen their defense line in Ukraine - Bild

Russian forces strengthen their defense line in Ukraine - Bild Russian forces strengthen their defense line in Ukraine (Russian media)

Russian occupiers continue to fortify their defensive lines in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine. They are also constructing so-called dragon's teeth along the front line, according to Bild.

According to the media, Russian aggressors are strengthening fortifications along the entire front line in Ukraine. These defensive structures could pose a problem for the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which are continuing counteroffensive operations.

"Russians continue to strengthen this massive defensive line. We see many of these dragon's teeth, and they are impossible to count," the statement says.

Similar concrete structures act as obstacles for military equipment, including that provided to the Ukrainian Armed Forces by Western countries as part of defense assistance.

What is known about the dragon's teeth

Russian armed forces are reinforcing their positions in the areas of occupation in the south and east of Ukraine using special structures known as dragon's teeth. They resemble concrete pyramids. According to the occupiers, these are meant to prevent a rapid breakthrough by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Dozens of advertisements for the sale of dragon's teeth have been posted on the Russian website Avito. According to the journalists, construction companies and concrete manufacturers from St. Petersburg, Moscow, and the Moscow region are involved in producing these pyramids.

In early December 2022, the first shipment of dragon's teeth - concrete fortifications from Crimea - arrived in Mariupol. New fortifications also appeared near Popasna in the Luhansk region, and the construction of concrete structures of this type in the south allowed the occupiers to withdraw from Kherson in the fall of 2022.

Earlier in October, it was reported that Russian occupiers were transporting dragon's teeth from the temporarily occupied Mariupol to the Berdiansk direction.